
Donate Blood

Donate Blood; Save a Life
It has been revealed in a recent report that the Red Cross society has come forward to urge people to donate blood this festive season. Blood donation is an extremely noble act. It is something one would do to put their share in helping a person in need.
There are several myths about blood donation and one need to understand that simply donating a bottle of blood will not make you sick. Blood cells form in one’s body very fast, and by the time you have a glass of milk and some fruit, you’ve made twice the blood you donated.
It is a good message that needs to be spread across the world. One’s blood could come in use for someone in real need of it, someone who has had an operation or an injury. Every drop really counts and one should make it a point to donate blood, at least once a year. The eligible age for donating blood is 18 years, and one should try and put their effort towards this noble cause and help people.
“It's the season of giving and there's one gift that won't cost you a penny, but means the world to a patient in need. By donating blood, you can give someone an opportunity to spend another holiday with their loved ones”,.
It might be done in a mere hour or so, and one would be proud of the fact that they have helped save a life. Donating blood gives immense sense of satisfaction and one can be sure there is one smile in the world, which you are responsible for.

Blood Donation Benefits
One single donation can be split into three separate parts, helping save or improve the lives of patients. Just three teaspoons of blood can save the life of a premature baby. If you donate blood, you can help in saving lives of many patients.
Thousands of patients need blood transfusion as in the following conditions:
• Patients suffering from haemorrhage due to casualties
• surgical procedures and labours
• Haemophilic patients
• Chronic Anaemia
• Malignancy Thalassemic patients
• Bone Marrow transplantation
• Neonatal jaundice and others
Blood donation is not hazardous and it proves to be a healthy habit that helps blood renewal. The volume of blood donation is 370:400 ml, almost 7.5% of the adult blood volume. It is compensated in a short period of time.

Major Reasons Patients Need Blood Are :
• Cancer
• Heart and blood vessel disease
• Disease of the gastrointestinal tract
Emergencies such as car accidents and burns, Automobile Accident 50 units of blood, Heart Surgery 6 units of blood and 6 units of platelets, Burn 20 units of platelets. Organ Transplant 40 units of blood, 30 units of platelets, 20 bags of cryoprecipitate, 25 units of fresh frozen plasma, Bone Marrow Transplant 120 units of platelets and 20 units of blood.
Donating blood can not only help the lucky recipient, it can also help you achieve better health. Here’s how.

Benefits from Donated Blood:
There’s no substitute for human blood, although researchers have been trying for decades to create an artificial substitute. Only blood from one person can save another.
Human blood contains different proteins, and can be classified into four major blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. Type O is the most common, and the type blood banks frequently run short of during their peak seasons. Blood transfusions must take place between donors of like blood types. The body produces antibodies if given the wrong blood type.
Blood donation benefits many people. One pint of blood benefits donors in the following ways:
• Each pint of whole blood donated by one person helps three other people.
• One pint of blood may be separate into its various components such as plasma, red blood cells and others. If one pint of blood is used as components, it can help seven people.
• Blood donation benefits surgical patients. A liver transplant patient, for example, may need up to ten pints of blood during surgery. Blood transfusions are needed during many types of surgery and for accident victims.
• People undergoing chemotherapy and radiation benefit from blood donation.
• Individuals with sickle-cell anemia need blood donations to replace their red blood cells.
• Donated blood saves the lives of premature infants and children. Many of these tiny patients require blood transfusions, and only blood from a donor can help them.

Health Benefits to Donors:
Blood donation benefits extend beyond those who receive life-giving blood. Donors also receive numerous health benefits. Blood donation benefits to donors include:
• Free health screening: Every time you give blood, a medical technician, doctor or nurse will check your blood pressure and give you a free health screening.
• Reduced risk of heart disease: Some doctors and scientists believe that giving blood may prevent heart disease. Although no conclusive evidence is available, numerous physicians have noted that blood donors typically have fewer cases of heart disease than non-donors. Dr. Harvey Klein, in an article on USA Today, speculates that giving blood regularly reduces the amount of iron in the bloodstream. While iron is an important element and necessary for human life, too much iron may actually damage the heart and circulatory system. Dr. Klein and others believe that reducing blood iron through regular blood donation is a healthy way to potentially lower your risk of heart disease.
• Acts of altruism make you feel good! Giving feels great, especially when you understand that one hour of your time and one pint of blood can save so many people.
Giving blood takes only an hour and can save many lives. Within just one week of giving blood, your body has replaced it. It takes just an hour, and can add years to the life of another person.

Safety first
It is a good idea to check the safety and hygiene standards of the local camps before you sign up. “Make sure that the vials and syringes being used are new and they are not reusing their syringes,” The attendants and doctors should be wearing gloves while handling the blood and should dispose of syringes and testing plates immediately after use. People with infectious diseases (even a cold) should not be allowed at the point of donation. Make sure you have a donor card or other medical documentation of your blood type, or let the doctors check it first. This is to prevent wrong identification, which can have fatal consequences.

Are you good to give?
As a donor, you are responsible for the quality of blood you donate as well as your own health. The basic criteria:
You must be above 18 years of age.
You should not be underweight. “Usually donors weighing more than 45-50kg are acceptable,”
You should not be suffering from any infectious (such as a cold or flu) or chronic diseases (such as diabetes).
You should not have taken any intoxicating drugs, orally or otherwise, that day.
You should not have high blood pressure.
Pregnant or menstruating women are not allowed to donate.

Making up for the blood loss
Many people feel the loss of even a small volume of blood from their bodies must call for special precautions. However, your body has its own protective mechanism.
“It takes around 24 hours for your body to replenish the volume of blood, which is usually 350-400ml (or 1 unit), and the hemoglobin level is usually replenished within 7-10 days,” The actual loss is low enough for you to function normally.
All you need to do is:
Have a “regular healthy meal” the previous day and on the day of the donation, says Dr Byotra. “Do not fast before you go to give blood,” he says.
Don’t drink alcohol for 48 hours before donation.
Avoid smoking on the day of donation.
Drink plenty of fluids on the day of donation, but avoid caffeine.
Wear something comfortable, with sleeves that can be rolled up.
Most people will not, contrary to fears, feel “drained” after donation. Should a momentary drop in blood pressure leave you a little woozy, just sit down for a while and eat the light snack and beverage you will be offered after donation.
Drink plenty of liquids and juices for the next couple of hours to make up for the fluid loss from donation, particularly in summer.
The donor can go back to work within half an hour of giving blood, but avoid intense physical exertion immediately after, says Dr Nag.
There are no restrictions on the kind of food you can eat. There’s no need to change your diet to add “strength-building” foods. A normal balanced diet is good enough.
If you drink or smoke, there is no rule against their consumption following a donation, “other than the fact that they’re both injurious to health and should be generally avoided”,

Don't Wait to Donate: blood is always needed!!!

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Source: Articles taken from internet.

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